Employment Opportunities…
Mars Research is constantly searching for professional, experienced supervisory and interviewing staff for all of its locations. Please read through the listings for available positions. If you would like to apply for a position with Mars Research please send your resume to info@marsresearch.com and use the subject “employment”.
Research Interviewers
This work involves screening, recruiting and inviting respondents to participate in various research studies. This type of interviewing is conducted via telephone at our central recruiting center in Fort Lauderdale. Part-time, day and evening positions are available. This position requires a highly-motivated, self-starter with good confidence and people skills and a good telephone manner.
Qualitative Support Staff
This job entails meeting and greeting clients and respondents. Our objective is to offer our visitors the highest standard of service, hospitality and support. Responsibilities: preparing respondent and client rooms for research. Light administrative duties, serving pre-ordered client meals, clearing rooms after use and generally supporting client needs. Highly motivated, organized, self-starters with excellent presentation and client service skills who enjoy a fast-paced work environment. Part-Time day and evening positions are available